Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Nights with my grandma

There is a small village,
And a home  that sprawls across the wilderness,
Unknown to the world.
THAT is my ancestral home.

The light that breaks darkness
Barely reached the corners,
And the windows could seal off light!
Nights were the darkest there.
THERE, my grandma treaded with soft steps,
Spreading the warmth of her affection.

Every night I would fondly run into her room,
Dimly lit by a small lamp.
 I jumped into her bed, demanding a story.
Her warmth filled the room,
As she embraced me 
And took me into the world of folklore, myths and epics,
Feeding my young mind with colours and dreams.
All so beautifully woven,
In the dark canvas of my grandma’s room.


  1. Chechi, finding this blog feels like chancing upon hidden treasure. This is my favourite one and so I'm commenting here. Now, I'm wondering how I missed this for so long. Keep writing!

  2. hi sindhu dear
    2day only i happened 2 see your blog. congrats and all d best . keep writing
