Wednesday, 5 December 2018


Time stands like a stranger  ,
In a calendar,
With the dates arranged 
like the stiff collar of the shirt,
Giving me shivers,
With its stern undertones of a deadline.
 My eyes wander
beyond the frames,
For the count of time.
Only to find them
In the tales of yesterdays,
And in the expectations of a tomorrow.
Somewhere down the line,
They break  into moments,
Elongating into unending sagas,
Silencing the ticking soldier,
Parading around the future.

I do not know where I belong,
 l forget the borders of my existence,
Only to feel my breath 
Diffuse into the air,
Nowhere to be found!
Glimpses of a strange vision haunts me, 
No more of  yesterdays and tomorrows.
nothing remains but an eternal moment
freed from the bondage of time,
 merging  into the ocean of the universe.

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